
First of all, users need to clone the source code and install the required packages (we suggest python version >= 3.9). You can choose between the following two installation methods (via docker or conda) to install FederatedScope.

git clone
cd FederatedScope

Use DockerPermalink

You can build docker image and run with docker env (cuda 11 and torch 1.10):

docker build -f environment/docker_files/federatedscope-torch1.10.Dockerfile -t alibaba/federatedscope:base-env-torch1.10 .
docker run --gpus device=all --rm -it --name "fedscope" -w $(pwd) alibaba/federatedscope:base-env-torch1.10 /bin/bash

If you need to run with down-stream tasks such as graph FL, change the requirement/docker file name into another one when executing the above commands:

# environment/requirements-torch1.10.txt -> 

# environment/docker_files/federatedscope-torch1.10.Dockerfile ->

Note: You can choose to use cuda 10 and torch 1.8 via changing torch1.10 to torch1.8. The docker images are based on the nvidia-docker. Please pre-install the NVIDIA drivers and nvidia-docker2 in the host machine. See more details here.

Use CondaPermalink

We recommend using a new virtual environment to install FederatedScope:

conda create -n fs python=3.9
conda activate fs

If your backend is torch, please install torch in advance (torch-get-started). For example, if your cuda version is 11.3 please execute the following command:

conda install -y pytorch=1.10.1 torchvision=0.11.2 torchaudio=0.10.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -c conda-forge

For users with Apple M1 chips:

conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio -c pytorch
# Downgrade torchvision to avoid segmentation fault
python -m pip install torchvision==0.11.3

Finally, after the backend is installed, you can install FederatedScope from source:

From sourcePermalink

pip install .

# Or (for dev mode)
pip install -e .[dev]
pre-commit install

Now, you have successfully installed the minimal version of FederatedScope. (Optinal) For application version including graph, nlp and speech, run:

bash environment/
